How to add your Blogger blog to Google Webmaster Tools

Posted On: January 12, 2014
Started to create a Blogger blog recently and wanted to rank it better in search engines? That can happen if your Blogger blog will perform well by analyzing and properly optimizing your blog posts. There are many SEO tools out there that you can use to analyze, luckily, Google webmaster tools is available for people like you and me wherein we can use this to analyze our Blogger blog and this is totally for free. This is for us to know our Blogger blogs performance in search engine. Here's how we can add Blogger blog to Google webmaster tools.

Google webmaster tool provides you a detailed report and data on your blogs search traffic, crawl status, index results and much more. It' s also a nice handy tool that shows how your blog appears to bots, how it perform, and how many number of times it appeared in search engine.

Google webmaster tool notifies you if there is any problem within your Blogger blog that prevents crawlers from accessing your pages.Google webmaster tools can make your blog Google friendly by using and understanding all the elements on how you can analyze and properly optimize your blog posts . By submitting your blog sitemap in Google webmaster tools you are making bots to crawl your pages better. Each and every blogger, web developer, or webmaster must submit their blog to Google webmaster tools.

These are the steps on how to submit or add your Blogger blog to Google Webmaster Tools:

1.Sign into Google Webmaster Tools with your Google Account.

2.Type the URL of your Blogger blog that you want to add. 
Make sure you type the entire URL, such as and then click the Add a Site button to continue.
3. The Site verification page opens.Click on Alternate methods tab, then select HTML tag. Follow the instruction that was given on that option to verify your Blogger blog site.HTML tag is the easiest way to verify your Blogger blog to Google webmaster tools.
You will now see a Meta tag, just copy it. Now in your Blogger dashboard go to template; edit HTML and paste the Meta tag just below the <head> Tag
After Putting meta Tag in HTML. Click on verify button in webmasters Tools.

You can actually add as many sites you own in Google webmaster tools and since your site is just new , no data will show yet in Google webmaster tools. After the verification process the next thing that you have to do is to submit your sitemap to Google webmaster tools. You must learn how to create sitemap in Blogger and how to add Blogger sitemap to Google webmaster tools. In order to see data, report and graph just wait for a day after the submission of your Blogger sitemap.

Note: Make sure that you verify your Blogger blog first, so you can access the features in Google webmaster tools.

Here is a list of the types of URLs you can add as a site:

If your site has separate sections for different countries, Google Webmaster Tool recommends adding each of those subsites or subfolders as a separate site. 

Example: You have a travel site with specific subfolders covering Ireland, France, and Spain, you could add the following sites to your Webmaster Tools account:
Similarly, if your site has http:// and https:// versions, you should add each as a separate site.